Our Helsinki office is located in Kamppi, next to Shopping center Kamppi in Kampin Huippu property at Urho Kekkosen katu 2 C (5th floor), 00100 Helsinki.

The reception is located at the street level. Please register at the lobby reception, from where you will be directed to Jurentia’s premises. The lobby is open until 16:00 on weekdays. If you are coming to the meeting after 4 pm, please ring Jurentia’s doorbell at street level.

You will find several parking facilities in the city center.  You can park your car in P-CityForum, which has 1,300 parking spaces or in P-Kamppi, whichs has 250 parkings spaces.  P-CityForum parking has a direct elevator connection to Shopping center Kamppi and Kamppi Huippu.